According to various sources, Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) has planned to launch Windows 10 on January 21. Microsoft has big things planned out for Windows 10. After the Windows 8 debacle, Microsoft would be looking to make amends and bring their users to the new Operating System.
Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) has reportedly planned for the launch of Windows 10 on January 21st. Microsoft hopes to make this launch successful. However, according to market news, Microsoft still has technical glitches and bugs left with Windows 10. They might yet go ahead with the launch despite the bugs.
Gabe Aul, lead of the data and fundamental team in Microsoft Operating Systems Group, commented that nearly 1300 bugs are there in Windows 10, while addressing nearly 1.5 million people who tested the system. This is a staggering number and the fact that Microsoft is still willing to go ahead with the release speaks volumes.
News on Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ MSFT)
Aul remarked that the number (1300) is an amazing achievement. However, he was also quick in pointing out that they could not go for a new build which took in all the changes. This, he said, was due to time constraints. Aul believes that before the scheduled release on January 21, Microsoft had to make sure that the UX was polished and that the code was stabilized and integrated well.
Windows 10 launch is scheduled for January 21. Windows 10 has already had 450,000 customers who would be Microsoft’s initial customers. Microsoft would be looking to reach out to a wide customer base once Windows 10 rolls out with a home desktop version. After the failure of Windows 8, Microsoft would be looking to make amends with Windows 10.
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ MSFT) Business News
Microsoft MSFT stock has been looking good ever since Satya Nadella took the reigns from Steve Balmer. The cloud-first, mobile-first move seems to be working well. However, Windows is still the biggest product for Microsoft. Therefore, Windows 10 would be having a major impact on the stock’s future.
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