Android Powered Smartwatch by Omate

Omate's $199 TruSmart watch has already garnered more than twice its funding goal on Kickstarter, and there's almost a month still to go for the device, which comes with a 5 MP camera and cellular modem. “A lot of these crowdfunded smartwatches are being seen as the drizzle before the thunderstorm of the major players coming in,” noted Reticle Research principal analyst Ross Rubin.Read More … Continue reading Android Powered Smartwatch by Omate

Technology Warfare Between Nations

National security has broadened in the last few years to extend beyond the physical borders of a country; it has entered the virtual sphere of the Internet. It’s not only enough to make sure domestic issues are taken care of on land, in the air, and in the sea, but now governments have this new domain that also needs protection (mostly controlled by computers) to … Continue reading Technology Warfare Between Nations