Stock in Action: Google Launches Global Fishing Watch

Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) announced a new initiative called Global Fishing Watch on Friday in Sydney, Australia. The new Global Fishing Watch system uses satellite data and sophisticated cloud-based software to track fishing in real time. The goal of the project is to protect marine wildlife and prevent illegal activity. The new environmental initiative is a partnership between Google and nonprofits Oceana and SkyTruth, and … Continue reading Stock in Action: Google Launches Global Fishing Watch

Stock News: A Look At Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Places

While many believe that both Yelp Inc and Tripadvisor Inc are terribly inaccurate and even fraudulent, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is hoping that its users are looking for something new. When you use Facebook Pages, you begin by selecting a city that interests you. From there you will be sent to reviews and likes from other Facebook users, essentially building a TripAdvisor into its existing … Continue reading Stock News: A Look At Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Places

Stock News: Nokia Rebuilding After Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) Deal

Nokia Corporation (HEL NOK1V) was once known for its mobile phone segment, which Nokia chose to partner with Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ MSFT)’s Windows Phone to help try to put pressure on Android and the iPhone. Unfortunately, the partnership provided little gain and progress for the companies and ultimately, Microsoft would end up buying Nokia’s mobile phone unit for $7.5 billion in April 2014. As the … Continue reading Stock News: Nokia Rebuilding After Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) Deal

Stock Focus: Is Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Violating Labour Rules?

Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) has been sued by a worker who is dissatisfied with the company’s treatment of him, says a report from Reuters. The worker alleges that he was not paid overtime, was classified by the company as an independent contractor in an improper manner, and was terminated when he requested that more hours be covered under his contract. This case was filed by … Continue reading Stock Focus: Is Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Violating Labour Rules?

Stock in News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Updates Privacy Policy For Users

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is making another change to appease users. On Thursday, the social media announced plans to simplify the data policy. This comes right after the company announced plans to improve targeted advertisements in the United States. Just a few months ago, the search giant started to use information on what websites people visit to help target ads. If a person visited an … Continue reading Stock in News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Updates Privacy Policy For Users

Stock Review: Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) Fixes 19 Year Old Bug

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ MSFT) recently release an emergency patch to fix a 19-year-old software bug. Last May, researchers from International Business Machines Corp (NYSE IBM) first discovered the bug that affects both Windows and Office products. The bug has been in every single version of Windows, starting with Windows 95. The bug presented a problem which would allow attackers to easily exploit the bug to … Continue reading Stock Review: Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) Fixes 19 Year Old Bug