Stocks Rising on analysts note: Varonis Systems (NASDAQ:VRNS), Cogent Communications (NASDAQ:CCOI), A. O. Smith (NYSE:AOS), Pinnacle West Capital (NYSE:PNW)
Varonis Systems (NASDAQ:VRNS) was upgraded by Barclays from an “equal weight” rating to an “overweight” rating in a research note issued on Friday, Stock Ratings Network reports. Varonis Systems Inc (NASDAQ:VRNS) stock performance was -4.72% in last session and finished the day at $25.64. Traded volume was 270,050.00million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 701.55K shares. Varonis Systems … Continue reading Stocks Rising on analysts note: Varonis Systems (NASDAQ:VRNS), Cogent Communications (NASDAQ:CCOI), A. O. Smith (NYSE:AOS), Pinnacle West Capital (NYSE:PNW)