Overbought Stocks in Services Sector: DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN), Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK), American Railcar Industries (NASDAQ:ARII)

Teekay Corp. (NYSE:TK) last released its earnings data on Thursday, February 20th. The company reported $0.02 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of ($0.11) by $0.13. Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK)’s stock on February 28, 2014 reported a higher of 1.43% to the closing price of $59.75. Its fifty two weeks range is $32.69 – $60.26. The total market capitalization recorded 4.23 … Continue reading Overbought Stocks in Services Sector: DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN), Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK), American Railcar Industries (NASDAQ:ARII)

Services Stocks Touching New Highs: E Commerce China Dangdang (NYSE:DANG), Walgreen Company (NYSE:WAG), DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), CVS Caremark (NYSE:CVS)

McLean Capital Management upgraded shares of Walgreen (NYSE:WAG) from a neutral rating to a buy rating in a report issued on Friday, Analyst Ratings.Net reports. Walgreen Company (NYSE:WAG) dropped -0.35% to $67.95 yesterday on volume of 0.00 shares. The intra-day range of the stock was $67.26 – $69.84. Walgreen Company (NYSE:WAG) has a market capitalization of 64.50 billion. The world-renowned pop star will join “Friday … Continue reading Services Stocks Touching New Highs: E Commerce China Dangdang (NYSE:DANG), Walgreen Company (NYSE:WAG), DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), CVS Caremark (NYSE:CVS)

Active Watch List : Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), Applied Materials, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAT), PTC Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTCT), DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE:PSXP)

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) announced a definitive agreement to acquire Alios BioPharma, Inc., a privately held clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing therapies for viral diseases, for approximately $1.75 billion in cash. The acquisition will include Alios BioPharma’s portfolio of potential therapeutics for viral infections including compound AL-8176, an orally administered antiviral therapy currently in Phase 2 studies for the treatment of infants with … Continue reading Active Watch List : Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), Applied Materials, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAT), PTC Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTCT), DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Phillips 66 Partners (NYSE:PSXP)

Today’s Watch List : DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Himax Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIMX), Mavenir Systems, Inc. (NYSE:MVNR), WPX Energy, Inc. (NYSE:WPX), Bancolombia S.A. (NYSE:CIB),

Satellite television company DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV) announced Thursday that its shareholders have voted overwhelmingly to approve its proposed $48.5 billion acquisition by telecom giant AT&T, Inc. The deal is expected to be completed in the first half of 2015. DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV) belongs to Services sector. Its net profit margin is 8.90% and weekly performance is -0.99%. On last trading day company shares ended up $86.39. DIRECTV … Continue reading Today’s Watch List : DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Himax Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIMX), Mavenir Systems, Inc. (NYSE:MVNR), WPX Energy, Inc. (NYSE:WPX), Bancolombia S.A. (NYSE:CIB),

Trending Stocks : Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE:TM), DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), KCG Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KCG), Seabridge Gold, Inc. (NYSE:SA), Revance Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:RVNC),

Toyota Motor Corp (NYSE:TM)‘s stock had its “neutral” rating reiterated by Zacks in a research report issued to clients and investors on Thursday. They currently have a $123.00 price target on the stock. Zacks‘s price target would indicate a potential upside of 2.99% from the company’s current price. Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE:TM) belongs to Consumer Goods sector. Its net profit margin is 7.40% and weekly … Continue reading Trending Stocks : Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE:TM), DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), KCG Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KCG), Seabridge Gold, Inc. (NYSE:SA), Revance Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:RVNC),

Hot Alert: DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), LRAD (NASDAQ:LRAD), Cellular Dynamics International (NASDAQ:ICEL), SCYNEXIS, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCYX), Flexible Solutions International Inc. (NYSEMKT: FSI)

On 15 AUG DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV) said that DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV) and NFL Now are teaming up to launch “The Rich Eisen Show,” a new, daily talk show featuring NFL Network’s Rich Eisen, which will premiere on Oct. 6 and air exclusively on DIRECTV’s Audience Network from noon to 3 p.m. (EDT). DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV) belongs to Services sector. Its net profit margin is 8.90% and weekly performance … Continue reading Hot Alert: DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), LRAD (NASDAQ:LRAD), Cellular Dynamics International (NASDAQ:ICEL), SCYNEXIS, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCYX), Flexible Solutions International Inc. (NYSEMKT: FSI)