Active Stock: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Buying Twitch For $1 Billion

According to various Reports on the Wall Street, Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) has finalized a deal to acquire dominant game-streaming player Twitch. Sources close to the deal say the search giant has agreed to pay more than $1 billion for Twitch. The latest rumor has Google buying game-streamer Twitch for $1 billion. The source would not reveal much more other than to say that Twitch … Continue reading Active Stock: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Buying Twitch For $1 Billion

Active Stock: Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Partners Sprint To Sell Business Apps

Sprint Corporation (NYSE S) and Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) are teaming up to sell business apps. The mobile phone carrier will offer Google’s cloud based applications to small and medium businesses. This suite of applications including Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Drive. Sprint and Google will join forces to help small and medium sized business firms take care of matters. Companies that purchase Google’s software … Continue reading Active Stock: Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Partners Sprint To Sell Business Apps

Stock Update: Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Buys 3D Graphics Firm drawElements

Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) acquired drawElements, a Finnish 3D graphics firm to improve its Android mobile operating system, which is one of the key focus of the search engine giant. drawElements specializes in analyzing and assessing mobile 3D graphics. Technology observers are speculating that Google will probably utilize drawElements for device standardization. Android operating system dominates the smartphone industry. Approximately 78% of the smartphones was … Continue reading Stock Update: Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Buys 3D Graphics Firm drawElements

Top Stock: Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) has a star performer in Chromebook

Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Chromebook continues to perform well, despite the fact that many are turning their attention away from these devices in favor of smartphones and tablets.While this may be the case, nothing is stopping a variety of companies from selling Chromebooks at a steady pace, making money along the way for themselves as well as the search engine giant. With Google Chromebook penetration … Continue reading Top Stock: Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) has a star performer in Chromebook

Investors Alert – Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) , International Business Machines (NYSE:IBM) , Lands’ End, Novavax (NASDAQ:NVAX) , WOLVERINE BANCORP, INC. (NASDAQ:WBKC)

A federal judge in New York authorized a warrant requiring Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOGL) to give prosecutors access to a user’s inbox. U.S. Magistrate Gabriel Gorenstein permitted investigators to request the total contents of a Gmail account. Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) stock performance was -0.94% in last session and finished the day at $589.47. Traded volume was 2.06million shares in the last session and the average volume … Continue reading Investors Alert – Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) , International Business Machines (NYSE:IBM) , Lands’ End, Novavax (NASDAQ:NVAX) , WOLVERINE BANCORP, INC. (NASDAQ:WBKC)

Google Stock GOOGL NASDAQ GOOGL Financial News

Italy Instructs Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) to Change its Data-Use Policy

Italy’s data protection regulator has given Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) 18 months to change the way it treats and stores user data, bringing to an end an investigation that is part of a European drive to reform the internet giant’s privacy practices. In a statement on Monday, the Italian watchdog said Google’s disclosure to users on how their data was being treated remained inadequate, despite … Continue reading Italy Instructs Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) to Change its Data-Use Policy