Biotech Bullish Stocks: Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IDIX), Enzymotec Ltd (NASDAQ:ENZY), bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE), Athersys, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATHX)
xBoston hedge fund manager Baupost Group grew its portfolio of U.S. stocks by17 percent to $4.14 billion in the first quarter, maintaining large positions in several companies, including Cambridge-based Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IDIX). Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IDIX) stock performance was 6.06% in last session and finished the day at $6.03. Traded volume was 789,231 shares in the last session and the average volume of the … Continue reading Biotech Bullish Stocks: Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IDIX), Enzymotec Ltd (NASDAQ:ENZY), bluebird bio Inc (NASDAQ:BLUE), Athersys, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATHX)