Systems Software WAN Optimization

WAN Optimization in the Era of the Distributed Workforce

Business networks have grown much more complex in recent years. Take the branch office for example. According to an article on Search Networking, WAN Optimization Policy Goes Deep (1), branch offices used to have modest network requirements but now often strain the WAN as workers access virtual desktops, applications, and data centers from a myriad of devices. Some of the issues affecting distributed networks include: … Continue reading WAN Optimization in the Era of the Distributed Workforce

Technology Stocks Chip Software Systems

Two sides of the Web

It is quite certain nowadays that the Internet has become a very powerful tool which affects many aspects of our daily lives. Most of us probably cannot even remember the time how it was before the Internet (people had to meet and talk to each other – unthinkable!). There are many positive sides of the online world, such as common and equal access to knowledge … Continue reading Two sides of the Web

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has increased Teen usage

NASDAQ:FB has an increase in its base audience. Contrary to the popular view of Facebook’s usage decline, recent studies show that Facebook usage among teens has been on a rise. Facebook remains a dominant Social Networking website, with most of the teens choosing Facebook over other such Sites. According to the recent study from Forester Research, Facebook Inc( NASDAQ:FB) is the “go-to” site among youth … Continue reading Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has increased Teen usage