Notable Movers: Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), Wipro (NYSE:WIT), Syngenta (NYSE:SYT), Kimco Realty (NYSE:KIM), FMC Corp (NYSE:FMC)

Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), troubled tech titan is also moving higher today, rising around 1.7% by midday trading, after Raymond James upgraded the stock from its previous rating of Underperform to Market Perform. Raymond James analysts have cited higher potential from IP monetization as a result of the sale of Nokia’s handset unit to Microsoft Corporation (MSFT). Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) stock performance was 1.81% in last session and … Continue reading Notable Movers: Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), Wipro (NYSE:WIT), Syngenta (NYSE:SYT), Kimco Realty (NYSE:KIM), FMC Corp (NYSE:FMC)

REIT- Retail Stocks: Northstar Realty Finance (NYSE:NRF), Kimco Realty Corp (NYSE:KIM), DDR Corp (NYSE:DDR), General Growth Properties (NYSE:GGP)

Northstar Realty Finance Corp. (NYSE:NRF)‘s stock had its “buy” rating reiterated by investment analysts at Deutsche Bank in a note issued to investors on Wednesday, AnalystRatingsNetwork reports. They currently have a $17.25 target price on the stock, down from their previous target price of $17.50. Northstar Realty Finance Corp (NYSE:NRF) stock performance was 0.68% in last session and finished the day at $15.96. Traded volume … Continue reading REIT- Retail Stocks: Northstar Realty Finance (NYSE:NRF), Kimco Realty Corp (NYSE:KIM), DDR Corp (NYSE:DDR), General Growth Properties (NYSE:GGP)