Investors Alert : Linn Energy (NASDAQ:LINE), Novadaq Technologies (NASDAQ:NVDQ), Internet Gold Golden (NASDAQ:IGLD), City National (NYSE:CYN), Cleantech Solutions (NASDAQ:CLNT)

Linn Energy (NASDAQ:LINE) VP Candice J. Wells unloaded 6,104 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, August 12th. The stock was sold at an average price of $31.57, for a total value of $192,703.28. Following the sale, the vice president now directly owns 25,431 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $802,857.  Linn Energy, LLC (NASDAQ:LINE) belongs to Basic Materials sector. … Continue reading Investors Alert : Linn Energy (NASDAQ:LINE), Novadaq Technologies (NASDAQ:NVDQ), Internet Gold Golden (NASDAQ:IGLD), City National (NYSE:CYN), Cleantech Solutions (NASDAQ:CLNT)

Investors Alert : Pike (NYSE:PIKE), Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN), Vanguard Natural (NASDAQ:VNR), WellPoint Inc. (NYSE:WLP), Heidrick & Struggles (NASDAQ:HSII)

Pike Corporation (NYSE:PIKE) announced that it has signed a definitive merger agreement under which investment firm Court Square Capital Partners in partnership with J. Eric Pike, the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, will acquire the Company in a transaction in which each of the Company’s shareholders will receive $12.00 in cash, without interest and less any applicable withholding taxes, for each share of the … Continue reading Investors Alert : Pike (NYSE:PIKE), Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (NASDAQ:HBAN), Vanguard Natural (NASDAQ:VNR), WellPoint Inc. (NYSE:WLP), Heidrick & Struggles (NASDAQ:HSII)

Eye Catching Stocks: Ariad Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARIA), Informatica (NASDAQ:INFA), Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (NYSE:CP), EnLink Midstream, LLC (NYSE:ENLC), Trex (NYSE:TREX)

Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ARIA) an oncology company, is engaged in the discovery, development, and commercialization of medicines for cancer patients. Currently there are 5 analysts that rate ARIAD Pharmaceuticals a buy, no analysts rate it a sell, and 6 rate it a hold. Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ARIA)’s stock on 31 July traded at beginning with a price of $6.03 and when day-trade ended the stock … Continue reading Eye Catching Stocks: Ariad Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARIA), Informatica (NASDAQ:INFA), Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (NYSE:CP), EnLink Midstream, LLC (NYSE:ENLC), Trex (NYSE:TREX)