Computer Peripherals: 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD), Stratasys, Ltd. (NASDAQ:SSYS), Logitech International (NASDAQ:LOGI), Mad Catz Interactive (NYSEMKT:MCZ)

3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) stock had its “outperform” rating reiterated by investment analysts at Pacific Crest in a note issued to investors. The analysts wrote, “relatively clean earnings call” by stating, “We now think sentiment has turned too negative and is overdone.” A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD). Analysts at Gabelli upgraded shares of 3D Systems … Continue reading Computer Peripherals: 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD), Stratasys, Ltd. (NASDAQ:SSYS), Logitech International (NASDAQ:LOGI), Mad Catz Interactive (NYSEMKT:MCZ)

Computer Peripherals: 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Logitech International (NASDAQ:LOGI), Qumu Corp (NASDAQ:QUMU), Stratasys (NASDAQ:SSYS)

3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Director G Walter Loewenbaum II sold 50,000 shares of 3D Systems stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, March 5th. 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) stock performance was -3.93% in last session and finished the day at $68.50. Traded volume was 6.93million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 5.88million shares. The beta of the … Continue reading Computer Peripherals: 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Logitech International (NASDAQ:LOGI), Qumu Corp (NASDAQ:QUMU), Stratasys (NASDAQ:SSYS)