Hot Stocks : NXP Semiconductors NV (NASDAQ:NXPI), ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ONNN), Tilly’s, Inc. (NYSE:TLYS), Tesaro, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSRO), Covenant Transportation Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVTI)

NXP Semiconductors NV (NASDAQ:NXPI)‘s stock had its “buy” rating reiterated by stock analysts at Credit Suisse in a report issued on Friday, 03 October 2014. NXP Semiconductors NV (NASDAQ:NXPI) belongs to Technology sector. Its net profit margin is 10.10% and weekly performance is -16.37%. On last trading day company shares ended up $56.34. NXP Semiconductors NV (NASDAQ:NXPI) distance from 50-day simple moving average (SMA50) is … Continue reading Hot Stocks : NXP Semiconductors NV (NASDAQ:NXPI), ON Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ:ONNN), Tilly’s, Inc. (NYSE:TLYS), Tesaro, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSRO), Covenant Transportation Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVTI)

Fast Moving Stocks : LRAD Corporation (NASDAQ:LRAD), ON Semiconductor (NASDAQ:ONNN), GreenHunter Resources (NYSEMKT:GRH), Tesaro, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSRO), Alimera Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALIM)

One of the brightest Small-Cap Stars of the last month has been the San Diego-based LRAD Corporation (NASDAQ:LRAD). The company’s spiked almost 65% since the start of August following a particularly robust fiscal Q3 earnings report released after market close on August 7. The huge spike means that LRAD Corporation has currently more than doubled its market value since the start of 2014. LRAD Corporation … Continue reading Fast Moving Stocks : LRAD Corporation (NASDAQ:LRAD), ON Semiconductor (NASDAQ:ONNN), GreenHunter Resources (NYSEMKT:GRH), Tesaro, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSRO), Alimera Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALIM)