Investors Alert: Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), LiveDeal, Inc. (NASDAQ:LIVE), Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Graham Corporation (NYSE:GHM)

Equities researchers at ISI Group assumed coverage on shares of Rite Aid (NYSE:RAD) in a research report issued on Monday, reports. The firm set a “buy” rating and a $6.00 price target on the stock. ISI Group’s target price suggests a potential upside of 25.00% from the stock’s previous close. Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD) belongs to Services sector. Its net profit margin is 1.00% … Continue reading Investors Alert: Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), LiveDeal, Inc. (NASDAQ:LIVE), Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Graham Corporation (NYSE:GHM)

Why Making Dramatic Moves : Ruthigen, Inc. (NASDAQ:RTGN), Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), ION Geophysical Corporation (NYSE:IO), Guidance Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:GUID), Graham (NYSE:GHM)

Ruthigen Inc (NASDAQ:RTGN) in the last week of August announced that it had received approval for Phase I/II Study. It can begin enrollment of patients in its trial meant to test its anti-infection drug RUT58-60. It has already completed a 21-day skin irritation study conducted on 36 human participants, and now will start with double-blind, multi-centered and randomized trial. The enrollment for patients will start … Continue reading Why Making Dramatic Moves : Ruthigen, Inc. (NASDAQ:RTGN), Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), ION Geophysical Corporation (NYSE:IO), Guidance Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:GUID), Graham (NYSE:GHM)

Industrial Goods Unusual Volume: Global Brass and Copper Holdings (NYSE:BRSS), Allied Motion Technologies (NASDAQ:AMOT), Graham (NYSE:GHM), Continental Materials Corporation (NYSEMKT:CUO)

Global Brass and Copper Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:BRSS) declared a quarterly dividend on Friday, May 23rd, Analyst Ratings reports. Shareholders of record on Tuesday, June 3rd will be given a dividend of 0.0375 per share on Friday, June 13th. This represents a $0.15 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.99%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, May 30th. Global Brass … Continue reading Industrial Goods Unusual Volume: Global Brass and Copper Holdings (NYSE:BRSS), Allied Motion Technologies (NASDAQ:AMOT), Graham (NYSE:GHM), Continental Materials Corporation (NYSEMKT:CUO)