Industrial Goods New Lows: MasTec (NYSE:MTZ), Ply Gem Holdings (NYSE:PGEM), Metalico (NYSEMKT:MEA), Hardinge (NASDAQ:HDNG), Skyline Corporation (NYSEMKT:SKY)
MasTec (NYSE:MTZ) lower today as analyst commentary on some of the company’s largest pipeline partners has been negative today. MasTec, Inc. (NYSE:MTZ) stock performance was -0.70% in last session and finished the day at $29.64. Traded volume was 5.31million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 1.16million shares. The beta of the stock remained 1.06. MasTec, Inc. (NYSE:MTZ) insider … Continue reading Industrial Goods New Lows: MasTec (NYSE:MTZ), Ply Gem Holdings (NYSE:PGEM), Metalico (NYSEMKT:MEA), Hardinge (NASDAQ:HDNG), Skyline Corporation (NYSEMKT:SKY)