Human Resources Outsourcing

When’s the Right Time to Outsource Human Resources?

As a non-revenue generating pursuit, human resources activities can certainly tax a business. As growing businesses know, human resource tasks have become increasingly important. “From payroll and human resource management to benefits and compensation, entrepreneurs can spend up to 40 percent of their precious day engaged in these necessary but time-sucking tasks.” (1) For this reason, many businesses have decided to outsource human resources and … Continue reading When’s the Right Time to Outsource Human Resources?

Technology Business

4 Ways Not Staying Up With Technology is Hurting Your Business

We live in an era of abundant and ever evolving technology. Everything around us is surrounded and made faster by rapidly changing technology. People can work from remote corners of the world thanks to technology. There are smartphones everywhere; people pinging each other, talking and chatting all day. Everywhere you turn; life is being made easier by technology. So, if you are a business owner … Continue reading 4 Ways Not Staying Up With Technology is Hurting Your Business

Health Fitness in the Office

5 Companies That Promote Fitness and Health in the Office

An often overlooked aspect of employee health and safety programs is fitness. In the past, most employers treated fitness as an employee problem, which was understandable: so long as the employee was able to do their job on the clock, why did it make a difference how they conducted themselves off-the-clock? With the recent healthcare overhaul in the United States, however, what was once a … Continue reading 5 Companies That Promote Fitness and Health in the Office