Today’s Watch List: Array BioPharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARRY), Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc. (NASDAQ:FCS), Flowserve Corp. (NYSE:FLS), Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT), JBSS

Array Biopharma (NASDAQ:ARRY) released its earnings data on Tuesday. The company reported ($0.21) EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of ($0.22) by $0.01. The company had revenue of $6.07 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $6.35 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted ($0.13) earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was … Continue reading Today’s Watch List: Array BioPharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARRY), Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc. (NASDAQ:FCS), Flowserve Corp. (NYSE:FLS), Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT), JBSS

Morning Watch List: Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR) (NYSE:BSBR), Washington Trust Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:WASH), Sprint (NYSE:S), Mueller Industries (NYSE:MLI)

INRIX®, Inc., , announced a strategic collaboration with Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) focused on developing next generation smart cities analytics platforms and applications. As part of their collaboration, Intel’s global investment organization, Intel Capital, is investing $10 million in INRIX. Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) belongs to Technology sector. Its net profit margin is 19.40% and weekly performance is 2.37%. On last trading day company shares ended up … Continue reading Morning Watch List: Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Banco Santander Brasil SA (ADR) (NYSE:BSBR), Washington Trust Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:WASH), Sprint (NYSE:S), Mueller Industries (NYSE:MLI)

Today’s Hot List: The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE:SCHW), Taiwan Semiconductor, Chesapeake Granite Wash Trust (NYSE:CHKR), Lakeland Industries Inc. (NASDAQ:LAKE), Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE:HOG)

The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE:SCHW) is continuing to fight back against former brokers who leave its ranks. In one of its most recent actions, the firm filed suit last month against a Tampa, Fla.-based registered investment adviser, Camelot Wealth Management. Schwab accused the RIA, which was founded earlier this year by former Schwab branch manager Brian Mahoney, of engaging in a “civil conspiracy” when it … Continue reading Today’s Hot List: The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE:SCHW), Taiwan Semiconductor, Chesapeake Granite Wash Trust (NYSE:CHKR), Lakeland Industries Inc. (NASDAQ:LAKE), Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE:HOG)

Investors Alert: Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), LiveDeal, Inc. (NASDAQ:LIVE), Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Graham Corporation (NYSE:GHM)

Equities researchers at ISI Group assumed coverage on shares of Rite Aid (NYSE:RAD) in a research report issued on Monday, reports. The firm set a “buy” rating and a $6.00 price target on the stock. ISI Group’s target price suggests a potential upside of 25.00% from the stock’s previous close. Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD) belongs to Services sector. Its net profit margin is 1.00% … Continue reading Investors Alert: Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), LiveDeal, Inc. (NASDAQ:LIVE), Masco Corporation (NYSE:MAS Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Graham Corporation (NYSE:GHM)

Top News : Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX), BlackRock Kelso Capital Corporation (NASDAQ:BKCC), BMRN, First Clover Leaf Financial Corp. (NASDAQ:FCLF)

On October 27, Moody’s Investors Service has changed to positive from stable the outlook on the Ba2 corporate family rating (CFR) of Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), following the company’s stronger-than-expected results for the first nine months of 2014, as well as the upward revision to slightly above 11% from 5%-10% of its guidance for 2014 operating margins. Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) belongs to Technology sector. … Continue reading Top News : Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX), BlackRock Kelso Capital Corporation (NASDAQ:BKCC), BMRN, First Clover Leaf Financial Corp. (NASDAQ:FCLF)

Hot Stock List : Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ), BaiduInc (ADR) (NASDAQ:BIDU), TrovaGene, Inc. (NASDAQ:TROV), Patterson Companies, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCO), Sanofi SA (ADR) (NYSE:SNY)

Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) is about the shake the PC world like it hasn’t in years. HP introduces Sprout, a revolutionary PC that’s for 3D printing. HP’s video called Hands noted above captures the spirit of Apple’s Think Different ad run many years ago. Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) belongs to Technology sector. Its net profit margin is 4.50% and weekly performance is 2.58%. On last trading day … Continue reading Hot Stock List : Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ), BaiduInc (ADR) (NASDAQ:BIDU), TrovaGene, Inc. (NASDAQ:TROV), Patterson Companies, Inc. (NASDAQ:PDCO), Sanofi SA (ADR) (NYSE:SNY)