Overbought Stocks in Services Sector: DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN), Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK), American Railcar Industries (NASDAQ:ARII)
Teekay Corp. (NYSE:TK) last released its earnings data on Thursday, February 20th. The company reported $0.02 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of ($0.11) by $0.13. Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK)’s stock on February 28, 2014 reported a higher of 1.43% to the closing price of $59.75. Its fifty two weeks range is $32.69 – $60.26. The total market capitalization recorded 4.23 … Continue reading Overbought Stocks in Services Sector: DIRECTV (NASDAQ:DTV), Trinity Industries (NYSE:TRN), Teekay Corporation (NYSE:TK), American Railcar Industries (NASDAQ:ARII)