Apple a Financial Review of iPhone and iWatch Launch Impact (NASDAQ AAPL)

Apple Inc (NASDAQ AAPL) stock had an active day Tuesday, rallying on the back of the iPhone 6 unveiling and then ending with a slight loss. Some probable reasons for the slight downward trend could be investor concerns and profit taking toward the end of the day. Apple investors followed every move of the company closely on Tuesday, with shares spiking initially and later dipping … Continue reading Apple a Financial Review of iPhone and iWatch Launch Impact (NASDAQ AAPL)

Apple Keynote Live Stream AAPL Conference News

Watch Apple AAPL Keynote Conference Live Stream : Apple Planning to Strike Gold?

Apple fans have many options to watch the Apple live stream today. On September 9 the AAPL conference can be seen via links provided below. The Apple conference event starts at 10:00 a.m. PT. Apple fans who loved the upscale look and feel of the gold iPhone 5S will be happy to know the company plans to give the next iPad Air the gold touch. … Continue reading Watch Apple AAPL Keynote Conference Live Stream : Apple Planning to Strike Gold?

Using Bitcoin is Best for Low-Cost Fraud Protection

The card companies, banks and payment processors cooperate together to charge a good chunk of fees both to cover the cost of fraud and to protect against it. But can bitcoin offer better, or at the very least lower-cost, fraud protection for merchants and consumers?

It’s almost essential today for merchants to accept credit or debit cards. Indeed, it is often the only form of payment in a customer’s wallet. However, in exchange for accepting cards, merchants must pay for a number of services that they may not need or want as part of the blanket fees charged by payment processors.

There are even some examples where merchants offer customers a discount in exchange for paying in cash, such as gas stations in the US, which often advertise a cheaper price to customers using physical money.

News on Bitcoins

Alan Safahi, CEO of ZipZap and a veteran of the payments industry, said that banks should be interested in bitcoin’s potential for lower overhead operational merchant costs, explaining: “Banks don’t make a lot of money for payment processing. They couldn’t care if they are processing Visa, MasterCard or bitcoin.” One of the biggest issues with credit cards that merchants simply cannot avoid is chargebacks – when a card transaction is reversed after a payment for a variety of reasons.

“For more developed economies with stable currencies, chargebacks is one of the biggest selling points to bitcoin adoption for merchants,” said Michael Dunworth, whose startup snapCard allows users to pay for things online in bitcoin whether a merchant accepts bitcoin or not. “[Chargebacks are] a drain on all fronts, and an incomparable value-add of accepting bitcoin,” he added.

Bitcoin News Video

Watch this video for more “News on Bitcoin”.

Continue reading “Using Bitcoin is Best for Low-Cost Fraud Protection”

Microsoft MSFT News: Windows 9 Name Leaked

Windows 9 has been the talk of the technology community as rumors about it continue to run hot and heavy. There has been some confusion about the name, with some referring to it by the Windows 9 name and others using the reported codename Threshold. Now Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ MSFT)’s China business has apparently let the cat out of the bag—on accident. Although the tech … Continue reading Microsoft MSFT News: Windows 9 Name Leaked

Fee Waivers and Weaker Fund Flows Affect Federated’s First- Quarter Results; No Change to FVE

There was nothing in the first-quarter results from narrowmoat Federated Investors FII that would alter our longterm view on the firm. With the company’s assets under management (AUM) so heavily skewed toward money market funds, Federated continues to be affected not only by historically low interest rates (which require the use of fee waivers to keep fund costs from driving yields into negative territory) but … Continue reading Fee Waivers and Weaker Fund Flows Affect Federated’s First- Quarter Results; No Change to FVE

DTE`s 1Q Earnings Surge on Colder Weather and Lower Benefit Costs

We will be maintaining our $55 fair value estimate and stable narrow moat trend for DTE Energy DTE after the company announced first-quarter earnings that were driven higher primarily by much colder weather for both the gas and the electric utilities. During the quarter, DTE earned $1.34 per share versus $0.91 per share for the prior-year period. While rates at the gas utility and lower … Continue reading DTE`s 1Q Earnings Surge on Colder Weather and Lower Benefit Costs