Russia Drafts A Bill To Ban Bitcoin

Russia’s Ministry of Finance has announced proposals to ban the issuance of bitcoin and any operations involving crypto-currency. The legality of bitcoin has been discussed frequently in Russia since the beginning of this year. The Bank of Russia was the first government agency in the country to warn citizens and businesses about the risks associated with digital currencies like bitcoin.

Finance Ministry announced on the government’s regulation website that it was drafting a bill relating to cryptocurrencies, which, if approved, will likely see those who break the new laws end up in jail. The Finance Ministry plans to make amendments to Article 27 of the Federal Law ‘On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation’, specifically banning the use of monetary surrogates, including cryptocurrencies.

According to the ministry, the ban is necessary as monetary surrogates are widely used for buying illegal goods and money laundering. Moreover, the government agency intends to restrict access to websites that enable people to buy, sell, transfer and use cryptocurrencies.

News on Bitcoins

The announcement from Russian Officials said: “According to Article 27 of the Federal Law ‘On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation’ (Bank of Russia) the official Russian currency is ruble. The issuance of monetary surrogates in Russia is forbidden as well as the introduction of other monetary units. However, monetary surrogate has no standard definition in the Russian legislation.”

“Сryptocurrencies have no real value and their prices are determined due to speculations. So, there is a great risk that investors will lose their money,” the ministry’s statement concluded. On a more positive note, the Wall Street Journal last month reported that the Bank of Russia said it would not seek to take harsh measures against cryptocurrency use.

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Active Performing Stock: Apple Inc (NASDAQ AAPL) To Join Hands With VISA For Mobile Payments

In an exciting piece of news on the Wall Street, Reports have emerged that Apple Inc (NASDAQ AAPL) may be joining hands with VISA. Cupertino Based Apple may soon team up with Visa for a simplified mobile payments system. A new report indicates Apple Inc (NASDAQ AAPL) may partner with Visa Inc (NYSE V) for a mobile payments system in the near future. Visa recently … Continue reading Active Performing Stock: Apple Inc (NASDAQ AAPL) To Join Hands With VISA For Mobile Payments

Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Plans An Instagram Competitor

As per recent rumors on the Wall Street, Google (NASDAQ GOOG) is all set to place an Instagram Competitor. Google wants to branch out and expand social networks. A recent report from Bloomberg claims the search giant plans to spin-off Google+ Photos into something separate. Google+ fields a lot of criticism for not accruing as many numbers as competitor Facebook continues to take the lead. … Continue reading Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) Plans An Instagram Competitor

Top Stock: Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) May Be Tracking Your Cell Conversations

Social Networking Giant, Facebook (NASDAQ FB) may well be tracking all your talks. And this might even be happening when the messenger App is apparently off. As the government spy apparatus can monitor cell phone conversations even when the cell is off – and the battery can’t be removed. This raises further questions about Privacy control from Facebook.

This follows a report on Fox News notes that the Federal Bureau of Investigations can track cell phone conversations even when the phone is turned off. Fox News reports that FBI officials say they use the method to track critical “mafia” conversations.

The answer, notes Fox News host Shepherd Smith, is to take the battery out of your cell phone. One element the report didn’t mention, oddly, is that on most modern cell phones it is now impossible to remove the battery. In other words a powerful spy tool has been created so the NSA and other government agencies can in some cases illegally track your every movement and monitor your every conversation and — it can’t be turned off.

Facebook Inc: Facebook Privacy Issues

This comes on top of reports that Facebook (NASDAQ FB) may be tracking your cell phone conversations. Facebook terms and conditions required to accept to install the Facebook Messenger application now say Facebook may turn on your microphone without your permission, take pictures and videos. This information can be passed to the US government, which is working to various degrees with different firms.

According to reports, Twitter is fighting government spying on its users, while Facebook seems to take a more cooperative response. A Facebook spokesperson did not comment. Many in the media continue to overlook the growing intrusive and illegal nature of government. For instance, the most significant issue in modern press era is the Edward Snowden defections. Recent revelations that the CIA spied on the US Senate are a critical piece to explaining why Snowden’s revelations are important – the misuse of excessive spying capabilities – most of the real issues seldom receive attention.

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Facebook Sued Over Privacy Issues (NASDAQ FB)

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is facing a class-action lawsuit in Europe that could bring Facebook’s lack of privacy protection into focus. The suit says that after Facebook’s privacy policy became apparently deliberately confusing, violations occurred. Austrian law student and privacy activist Max Schrems said Friday he will challenge the social network in court. Schrems says Facebook violated Europe’s generally clear privacy laws and disregarded its … Continue reading Facebook Sued Over Privacy Issues (NASDAQ FB)

Biotech Stock in News: Puma Biotech Surges on Positive Results on Neratinib

Shares of Puma Biotechnology, Inc (PBYI) soared significantly after the company reported positive top-line results from the phase III trial on pipeline candidate, neratinib (PB272). Puma Biotech is evaluating neratinib for the extended adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. The phase III trial, ExteNET,(n=2821) is a double blind trial, which is evaluating neratinib versus placebo after adjuvant treatment with Roche’s (RHHBY) Herceptin in women suffering from … Continue reading Biotech Stock in News: Puma Biotech Surges on Positive Results on Neratinib