Biotech Insider Buying: Merrimack Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:MACK), Omeros (NASDAQ:OMER), Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY), Agios Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:AGIO), BioTime (NYSEMKT:BTX)

Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:MACK) Director Gary L. Crocker bought 36,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, June 23rd. The shares were purchased at an average price of $6.84 per share, with a total value of $246,240.00. Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:MACK) stock performance was 3.91% in last session and finished the day at $7.44. Traded volume was 1.38million shares in the last session … Continue reading Biotech Insider Buying: Merrimack Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:MACK), Omeros (NASDAQ:OMER), Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ:INSY), Agios Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:AGIO), BioTime (NYSEMKT:BTX)

Mid Cap New Highs: UDR (NYSE:UDR), Restoration Hardware Holdings (NYSE:RH), LaSalle Hotel Properties (NYSE:LHO), CBS Outdoor Americas (NYSE:CBSO), Gannett (NYSE:GCI)

UDR Inc (NYSE:UDR) SVP Harry G. Alcock sold 10,000 shares of UDR stock in a transaction dated Friday, June 20th. The stock was sold at an average price of $28.02, for a total value of $280,200.00. Following the sale, the senior vice president now directly owns 121,151 shares in the company, valued at approximately $3,394,651. UDR, Inc. (NYSE:UDR) stock performance was 0.71% in last session … Continue reading Mid Cap New Highs: UDR (NYSE:UDR), Restoration Hardware Holdings (NYSE:RH), LaSalle Hotel Properties (NYSE:LHO), CBS Outdoor Americas (NYSE:CBSO), Gannett (NYSE:GCI)

New Lows: Corinthian Colleges Inc (NASDAQ:COCO), Ultratech (NASDAQ:UTEK), American Vanguard (NYSE:AVD), Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB), Ply Gem Holdings (NYSE:PGEM)

Corinthian Colleges Inc. (NASDAQ:COCO), which operates WyoTech and other for-profit vocational schools throughout the U.S, said it may not be able to stay in business because the federal Department of Education has crimped its cash flow by putting a 21-day hold on the dollars it receives through federal student aid. Corinthian Colleges Inc (NASDAQ:COCO) stock performance was 19.32% in last session and finished the day … Continue reading New Lows: Corinthian Colleges Inc (NASDAQ:COCO), Ultratech (NASDAQ:UTEK), American Vanguard (NYSE:AVD), Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB), Ply Gem Holdings (NYSE:PGEM)

Telecom Stocks to Watch: Telefonica (YSE:TEF), Telecom Italia (NYSE:TI), Vodafone Group (NASDAQ:VOD), Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ), Deutsche Telekom (OTCMKTS:DTEGY)

Here is a selection of telecom stocks to watch on the markets today. In the news, a lot of European leaders in telecoms such as Telefonica in Spain, Telecom Italia in Italy, Vodafone Group Plc in the UK, Deutsche Telekom in Germany, but also Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ), in the USA. Spain’s Telefonica S.A. (ADR) (NYSE:TEF) has made a binding 295-million-euro ($400-million) offer for the … Continue reading Telecom Stocks to Watch: Telefonica (YSE:TEF), Telecom Italia (NYSE:TI), Vodafone Group (NASDAQ:VOD), Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ), Deutsche Telekom (OTCMKTS:DTEGY)

Belgium Algeria Live Stream World Cup 2014 Video

Belgium Algeria World Cup Live Stream and Video Replay + Goals and Highlights of Belgica Argelia

Belgium and Algeria play in a World Cup 2014 Group H game at 12:00 pm ET. Fans can watch the Belgium Algeria match live on TV (ESPN) and online via a free link as explained below. To watch the Belgium vs Algeria match live stream video online, fans from the US and outside can use their computers, mobile phones or tablets. From all over the … Continue reading Belgium Algeria World Cup Live Stream and Video Replay + Goals and Highlights of Belgica Argelia

Consumer Goods most Active: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Lululemon Athletica inc. (NASDAQ:LULU), Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F), iShares MSCI Frontier 100 (NYSE:FM), The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO)

Target Corp. has Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iPad Mini on sale for $199, a $100 savings, as well as the iPhone 5S on sale for $119.99, down from the original price of $199.99. You can also pick up Apple’s iPhone 5c for $29.99, down from $99.99. (All these deals require a new phone contract.) Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock performance was -1.67% in last session and finished … Continue reading Consumer Goods most Active: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Lululemon Athletica inc. (NASDAQ:LULU), Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F), iShares MSCI Frontier 100 (NYSE:FM), The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO)