Social Stocks on The move: Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR), Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ:ZNGA), LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD), Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP)

Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) has had a rough ride since Christmas eve when it traded north of $70.00 a share – a price which gave the young company a massive market capitalization approaching $35 billion. Markets know the company is on to something important but putting a value on that is a challenge. Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) stock performance was -2.19% in last session and finished the … Continue reading Social Stocks on The move: Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR), Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ:ZNGA), LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD), Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP)

Social Movers: MeetMe Inc. (NYSEMKT:MEET), Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ:ZNGA), Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR), Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB)

On Friday 15% pop just staring you in the face, it would be tempting for current MeetMeInc (NYSEMKT:MEET) .MeetMeInc shareholders to lock their profit in and walk away. It would also be a mistake, though. MeetMe Inc. (NYSEMKT:MEET) stock performance was -2.56% in last session and finished the day at $2.66. Traded volume was 0.00 shares in the last session and the average volume of … Continue reading Social Movers: MeetMe Inc. (NYSEMKT:MEET), Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ:ZNGA), Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR), Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB)

Stock in News: Why Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) Windows 10 Has Loads of Potential

Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) has been a completely different stock under the leadership of Satya Nadella. Since the closing stages of last year, the stock has been on a roll and has touched some of its major peaks. The cloud first, mobile first strategy of Microsoft seems to be working well. In such circumstances, it would be intriguing to see how Microsoft’s bread and butter product … Continue reading Stock in News: Why Microsoft (NASDAQ MSFT) Windows 10 Has Loads of Potential