Third wave of internet?
Cloud storage, big data, touchscreen. Internet faces another big bang, and the turning point is to be in 2020 according to experts.Read More >> Continue reading Third wave of internet?
Cloud storage, big data, touchscreen. Internet faces another big bang, and the turning point is to be in 2020 according to experts.Read More >> Continue reading Third wave of internet?
The FBI closed one of the biggest illegal drug seller sites on the internet. Silk Road is now shut down and its owner, known as Dread Pirate Roberts is arrested. The company is also siezed for 3,6 million dollars bitcoin.Read More >> Continue reading On-line Drug Sellers Arrested
Facebook announced to update its graph search engine. Now, literally everything can be searched on Facebook including status updates and photo captions. Social networking giant says, this will give the users a new experience.Read More >> Continue reading Facebook improves graph search
Symantec has killed more almost half a million of zombies. These were computers, infected by a virus called botnet. These dead machines were used to advertise illegally and to infect other machines. Now, luckily it s all over: the software giant said, it turned of 500,000 of them.Read More >> Continue reading Symantec is killing zombies
Although more and more people use internet, there are still people who are not connected. A digital divide still exists in the USA as well. But are there only financial reasons for not being connected?Read More >> Continue reading Digital divide still exists in the US
A new report indicated HTC Corp is working on the Nexus 9 tablet with Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG). According to the Wall Street Journal, the search giant chose HTC to build the new Nexus product. In fact, HTC already met up with Google at the company’s headquarters. Google is rumored to be working on the upcoming Nexus 9 tablet with HTC with a possibility of … Continue reading Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Stock News: HTC To Work on Nexus 9 With Google