Google (NASDAQ GOOG) To Release Kids Friendly Versions of Chrome and Youtube

Google (NASDAQ GOOG) is bringing in new versions of Chrome and Youtube. This time the new sets of these would be aimed for the younger audience. Kids would be shielded from unsuitable contents in this version. According to various sources, Kids from under 12 would find restricted content in this new version of Chrome and Youtube.

This news of Google introducing kid-friendly versions of Chrome and Youtube had been doing rounds for some while now. Google finally confirmed the news, this past week. The Vice President of Engineering at Google, Pavni Diwanji, commented that the new version would suit Kids aged below 12. These versions would be great for kids at school and home.

With the developers themselves, having kids at home, Diwanji said that it was a major catalyst in the making of this project. Kids today have all kinds of gadgets and technology today at their disposal. Therefore it is only prudent for Google to come up with safer versions of the widely used Chrome and Youtube.

Google Inc (NASDAQ GOOG) News: Chrome and Youtube

Google have always been curious in appealing to a particular niche. They have earlier come up with the professional versions of products. The kid friendly segment of Chrome and Youtube would make sure that the products attract a lot of younger audience.

Recently, Google has come up with several programs which appeal to the kids. Some of the more relevant and successful ones include Doodle 4 Google, Make Camp and Make with Code. All the above mentioned programs saw a lot of kids participation. With the increase in the use of technology among kids, such programs from Google appear to make a lot of sense.

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Google Inc Financial News (NASDAQ GOOG)

The new version of Chrome and Youtube would alse be well received from the parents who would like to oversee what their kids are using. Google also aims to involve kids in the development side of things. Whether they would be able to do so with such products remains to be seen.

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