Hot Stocks: Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE:AMD), Hydrogenics Corporation (USA) (NASDAQ:HYGS), BG Medicine, Inc. (NASDAQ:BGMD), Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST)

Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE) shares fell 6.9 per cent to 1,680 yen, their lowest in nearly three months, after the consumer electronics maker forecast a net loss for a second year in a row for the year to March 2015. Sony is stepping up restructuring efforts to try to turn around its business. Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE) stock performance was -6.46% in last session and … Continue reading Hot Stocks: Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE:AMD), Hydrogenics Corporation (USA) (NASDAQ:HYGS), BG Medicine, Inc. (NASDAQ:BGMD), Costco Wholesale Corporation (NASDAQ:COST)

Tech Movers: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK), Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD)

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) had its price target increased by RBC Capital from $625.00 to $645.00 in a research report sent to investors on Monday morning, Analyst Ratings Network reports. The firm currently has an outperform rating on the stock. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock performance was -0.35% in last session and finished the day at $ 592.33. Traded volume was 10.10 million shares in the last session … Continue reading Tech Movers: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK), Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD)

Stocks To Watch: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE:AMD), Intra-Cellular Therapies (NASDAQ:ITCI), Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ:CLNE), AerCap Holdings (NYSE:AER)

Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD) CFO Devinder Kumar sold 3,210 shares of the company’s stock on the open market in a transaction dated Friday, May 2nd. The stock was sold at an average price of $4.19, for a total value of $13,449.90. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE:AMD)stock performance was 1.96% in last session and finished the day at $ 4.01. Traded volume was 17,908,411 shares in … Continue reading Stocks To Watch: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE:AMD), Intra-Cellular Therapies (NASDAQ:ITCI), Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ:CLNE), AerCap Holdings (NYSE:AER)

Tech Runners: EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD), Plug Power Inc (NASDAQ:PLUG), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)

Network gear company Cisco Systems Inc., cloud computing firm EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC) and virtualization giant VMware are closing ranks to offer for the first time a combined channel program that speaks with “one voice” around their VCE converged infrastructure offerings. EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC) stock performance was 0.32% in last session and finished the day at $25.41. Traded volume was 17.30million shares in the last session … Continue reading Tech Runners: EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD), Plug Power Inc (NASDAQ:PLUG), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Mid CAp Active STocks: D.R. Horton (NYSE:DHI), SandRidge Energy Inc. (NYSE:SD), Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD)

D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI), America’s Builder, today reported that net income for its second fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2014 increased 18% to $131.0 million, or $0.38 per diluted share, from $111.0 million, or $0.32 per diluted share in the same quarter of fiscal 2013. D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI) stock performance was -2.24% in last session and finished the day at $21.35. Traded volume was … Continue reading Mid CAp Active STocks: D.R. Horton (NYSE:DHI), SandRidge Energy Inc. (NYSE:SD), Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD)

Unusual Volume Buzzers: Cbeyond (NASDAQ:CBEY), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD), Sarepta Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:SRPT), AstraZeneca (NYSE:AZN)

The securities litigation law firm of Brower Piven, A Professional Corporation, has commenced an investigation into possible breaches of fiduciary duty to current shareholders of Cbeyond, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBEY) and other violations of state law by the board of directors of Cbeyond Inc. (NASDAQ:CBEY) relating to the proposed buyout of the Company by Birch Communications, Inc. (“Birch”). Cbeyond, Inc. (NASDAQ:CBEY) stock performance was 38.56% in last … Continue reading Unusual Volume Buzzers: Cbeyond (NASDAQ:CBEY), Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD), Sarepta Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:SRPT), AstraZeneca (NYSE:AZN)