Stock in News: A Look At The New Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Search

Facebook (NASDAQ FB) had just recently announced a revamp of their old search product. According to various analysts, this offers a great potential for long term growth of Facebook. In this article, we will take a closer look at the search product revamp done by Facebook. The word on the street is that Facebook would be heavily benefited with a superior searching product. For its … Continue reading Stock in News: A Look At The New Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Search

Stock Update: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Updates Publisher Tools

Facebook (NASDAQ FB) has unveiled a new set of tools again. This time the tools are targeted for the publishers. Facebook has been long wanting to attract more content from various publishers on their social networking platform. With the introduction of their new features, they may as well do this successfully. Facebook (NASDAQ FB) recently introduced these tools for publishers. These tools are easy to … Continue reading Stock Update: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Updates Publisher Tools

Stock in News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Introduces New Features For Mobile Users

Facebook (NASDAQ FB) has introduced a new and improved trending feature for its mobile app users. According to Facebook, this feature will help the users get the trending news stories and topics separate from the normal ones. Users will be up to date with all the happenings from around the world. The trending topics would be customized and according to the users’ preferences. Facebook (NASDAQ … Continue reading Stock in News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Introduces New Features For Mobile Users

Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Stock News: Facebook Adds Another Antivirus Engine

The World’s leading social networking website, Facebook, has added another antivirus engine in its efforts to better security and further protect its users. On Wednesday, FB announced that they will partner ESET and add its software to the abuse prevention and detection systems. Prior to its partnership with ESET, Facebook has also partnered with the likes of F-secure and Trend Micro. These software help in … Continue reading Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Stock News: Facebook Adds Another Antivirus Engine

Stock Review: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Building Drone Teams

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is looking for efficient and skilled workers for a team that will work on building drones and other aircraft. On Thursday, three new job postings that were drone-related were posted by the company on its website. For working on aircraft-related projects, the company was looking for avionics, thermal, and power systems and control engineers. The new job postings are for the … Continue reading Stock Review: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Building Drone Teams

Stock Review: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Explains Privacy Changes

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is alerting mobile and desktop users of upcoming privacy changes. The new Privacy Basics feature guides users through steps to tweak privacy settings to their own liking. The interactive guides offer customizable settings in three areas including the following: “what you see”, “what others see about you”, and “how others interact with you”. The social media giant also reminded users to … Continue reading Stock Review: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Explains Privacy Changes