Stock in News: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) To Acquire Twitter?

According to various speculations in the market, Google (NASDAQ GOOG) may be on the verge of acquiring the popular social networking site, Twitter. While this acquisition news from Google has been doing rounds for years now, the potential of such a deal is massive indeed. This could have a huge effect on the market for both Google and Twitter stocks. Twitter stock already say a … Continue reading Stock in News: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) To Acquire Twitter?

Stock in News: A look at some of the most Innovative Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Products

Google (NASDAQ GOOG) have been one big innovative unit over the past few years. They have come up with a variety of products which are targeted towards different audiences and serve a plethora of applications. Some of these innovations have really come off for the stock which others have been more of a hit and miss. Here in this article we will take a closer … Continue reading Stock in News: A look at some of the most Innovative Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Products

Stock in Action: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Expected To Perform Well in Q4

Google (NASDAQ GOOG) has remained a top performing stock now for some time. Despite not achieving the expected levels in the last few quarters, stock holders would not be too sad with the way stock has gone up steadily. They would be happier still to know that Google has received bullish ratings from analysts for the quarter of Q4. How Google performs remains to be … Continue reading Stock in Action: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Expected To Perform Well in Q4

Google Stock : Google losing Search Share (NASDAQ GOOG)

Google (NASDAQ GOOG) has been the number one search engine of the world since a long long time. This has not changed now either. However, Google has indeed lost a bit of share in the search engine pie. The site gaining some space is Yahoo. Under Marisa Miller, Yahoo is looking to rejuvenate and become a stronger and better search engine. Google on the other … Continue reading Google Stock : Google losing Search Share (NASDAQ GOOG)

Stock in News: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Having Gmail problems in China

Google (NASDAQ GOOG) has ended 2014 on a rather sour note. Google’s mailing service, Gmail, has been reportedly blocked by the Chinese authorities. Late last week, Chinese authorities blocked a number of mailing addresses. This is not the first time Chinese authorities have done the same. The service was however restored a little while later. However, the extent of restoration and blockage remains unknown. Here … Continue reading Stock in News: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Having Gmail problems in China

Stock in News: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Introduces a Prototype of the Self Driving Car

Google (NASDAQ GOOG) has come up with another top story. Google has launched the prototype of the eagerly awaited Self Driving car. Self Driving car has been making the news regularly and people in the industry have been looking forward to the car. The prototype looks similar to what Google had earlier projected, only this time it has working components. The self driving car has … Continue reading Stock in News: Google (NASDAQ GOOG) Introduces a Prototype of the Self Driving Car