Can technology allow us to solve the energy price crisis ?

As a householder, you will be well aware that energy prices have been rising, and the situation has reached crisis level as many property owners are financially stretched by the effort to keep their homes and families warm. The good news is that there are solutions available to reduce the price of energy for consumers, and technology is playing a big role in delivering those … Continue reading Can technology allow us to solve the energy price crisis ?

Home Office Work from Home

4 Home Office Organization Tips and Tricks

More than ever, many people are now working from home. This is not surprising given that the world is becoming even more globalized, and everyone is connected to every other person via the internet. If you’re thinking of working from home and require a home office or already have one that is cluttered, thus making it almost impossible to get anything done, then our home … Continue reading 4 Home Office Organization Tips and Tricks