Biotech Decliners: Ocera Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:OCRX), Marina Biotech, Inc. (OTCMKTS:MRNA), CorMedix Inc. (NYSEMKT:CRMD), Idera Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IDRA)
Ocera Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:OCRX) is a company with one main value driver, OCR002. Financially, the company is now sitting on $47.2 M and will be spending $30M in the 2014 financial year. It has about one year in cash. Last year, it spent $3.5M in R&D and these costs are set to increase as it ramps up the Phase 2 trials for OCR002. Ocera Therapeutics … Continue reading Biotech Decliners: Ocera Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:OCRX), Marina Biotech, Inc. (OTCMKTS:MRNA), CorMedix Inc. (NYSEMKT:CRMD), Idera Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:IDRA)