Services Sector Losers: Command Security Corporation (NYSEMKT:MOC), China Auto Logistics Inc (NASDAQ:CALI), A. H. Belo Corporation (NYSE:AHC), Shoe Carnival (NASDAQ:SCVL)
Command Security Corporation (NYSEMKT:MOC) stock performance was -6.53% in last session and finished the day at $1.72. Traded volume was 31,574.00million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 17.64K shares. The beta of the stock remained 0.53. Command Security Corporation (NYSEMKT:MOC) insider ownership is 55.74%. China Auto Logistics Inc. (NASDAQ:CALI), a top seller in China of luxury imported automobiles, … Continue reading Services Sector Losers: Command Security Corporation (NYSEMKT:MOC), China Auto Logistics Inc (NASDAQ:CALI), A. H. Belo Corporation (NYSE:AHC), Shoe Carnival (NASDAQ:SCVL)