Internet Information Providers: Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), SouFun (NYSE:SFUN), JD.Com (NASDAQ:JD), Groupon (NASDAQ:GRPN)

Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP)has added a new option to its website called “Message the Business,” which lets users send notes directly to company officials. Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP) stock performance was -1.43% in last session and finished the day at $74.93. Traded volume was 3.70million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 6.55million shares. Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP) insider ownership is 0.20%. … Continue reading Internet Information Providers: Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), SouFun (NYSE:SFUN), JD.Com (NASDAQ:JD), Groupon (NASDAQ:GRPN)

HoT STocks: MeetMe Inc (NASDAQ:MEET), Baidu Inc (ADR) (NASDAQ:BIDU), Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), Weibo Corp (ADR) (NASDAQ:WB), SouFun Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN)

MeetMe Inc (NASDAQ:MEET) announced its earnings results on Thursday. The company reported ($0.09) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.03) by $0.06, reports. The company had revenue of $9.50 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $9.38 million. MeetMe Inc (NASDAQ:MEET) stock performance was -0.87% in last session and finished the day at $2.27. Traded … Continue reading HoT STocks: MeetMe Inc (NASDAQ:MEET), Baidu Inc (ADR) (NASDAQ:BIDU), Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), Weibo Corp (ADR) (NASDAQ:WB), SouFun Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN)

Tech Losers: Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR), Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), SouFun Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN), LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD)

Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR)’s shares slumped 18% on Tuesday amid the large share lockup expiration. Peck has a neutral rating on Twitter with a $50 price target. He argued the company is growing revenue and Ebitda at a fast pace. Twitter needs to find a way to grow its user base in a significant way but has a few quarters to figure out how to do … Continue reading Tech Losers: Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR), Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), SouFun Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN), LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD)


Best Performing China Tech Stock : SouFun (NYSE:SFUN)

SouFun is a famous real estate Internet portal in China. Soufun website is operated by SouFun Holdings Limited (NYSE:SFUN), a Chinese company listed on the NYSE stock market. SouFun also operates othe diversified websites in the home furnishing and home improvement verticals. Through SouFun’s Websites, the company is able to provide marketing, e-commerce, listing, and other value-added services for China’s real estate and home-related sectors. … Continue reading Best Performing China Tech Stock : SouFun (NYSE:SFUN)

NYSE gainers: Weatherford International (NYSE:WFT), SouFun Holdings (NYSE:SFUN), Precision Drilling (NYSE:PDS), Oasis Petroleum Inc. (NYSE:OAS)

Staff at the Shannon Way-based oil rig manufacturer Weatherford International Ltd (NYSE:WFT) are downing tools to cycle 400 miles to the French capital in a bid to raise £10,000 for Prostate Cancer UK. Daryl Stroud is the company’s managing director and will join his team, which includes a worker based in the US who will fly over for the July event. Weatherford International Ltd (NYSE:WFT) … Continue reading NYSE gainers: Weatherford International (NYSE:WFT), SouFun Holdings (NYSE:SFUN), Precision Drilling (NYSE:PDS), Oasis Petroleum Inc. (NYSE:OAS)