Active Watch List; Sprint Corporation (NYSE:S), Ericsson (ADR) (NASDAQ:ERIC), VMware (NYSE:VMW), Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ:BRCM), Marvell Technology (NASDAQ:MRVL)

CNET reports Sprint Corporation (NYSE:S) is testing a new individual postpaid plan in Chicago that provides unlimited voice/data for $50/month to users willing to forgo smartphone subsidies. Unlimited voice and 3GB of data is provided for $40/month.Meanwhile, discounted family plans featuring shared data buckets are being tested in San Diego, Portland (Oregon), and Las Vegas: Unlimited voice is provided for $25/line, and a 10GB data … Continue reading Active Watch List; Sprint Corporation (NYSE:S), Ericsson (ADR) (NASDAQ:ERIC), VMware (NYSE:VMW), Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ:BRCM), Marvell Technology (NASDAQ:MRVL)

Hot Stocks: VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON), AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV), Arena Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARNA), Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARIA)

VMware, Inc (NYSE:VMW) COO Carl M. Eschenbach unloaded 5,897 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, May 21st. The shares were sold at an average price of $95.05, for a total value of $560,509.85. Following the sale, the chief operating officer now directly owns 81,879 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $7,782,599. VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW) stock performance was 1.54% in last … Continue reading Hot Stocks: VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE:HON), AbbVie Inc (NYSE:ABBV), Arena Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ARNA), Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARIA)

Market Movers: International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM), VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA)

International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM) said it expects its hardware sector to grow in 2015 as the company invests in research and development and divests low-performing ventures. The comments come less than one month after the world’s largest technology service company reported its lowest quarterly revenue in five years, weighed by sluggish global demand for its hardware, which plunged 23 percent in the first quarter … Continue reading Market Movers: International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM), VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA)

Watch List: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL), Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ:BRCM), VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T)

Marvell Technology Group Ltd (NASDAQ:MRVL) was upgraded by Zacks from a “neutral” rating to an “outperform” rating in a note issued to investors on Tuesday, Stock Ratings News reports. The firm currently has a $17.10 price objective on the stock. Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL) stock performance was -0.06% in last session and finished the day at $15.79. Traded volume was 1.38million shares in the … Continue reading Watch List: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL), Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ:BRCM), VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW), AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T)

Hot Movers: VMware (NYSE:VMW), Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU), Himax Technologies (NASDAQ:HIMX), Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX)

Equities researchers at Jefferies Group upped their price target on shares of VMware Inc (NYSE:VMW) from $114.00 to $124.00 in a research report issued on Friday, Stock Ratings News reports. The firm currently has a “buy” rating on the stock. Jefferies Group’s price target would indicate a potential upside of 15.25% from the stock’s previous close. VMware, Inc. (NYSE:VMW) stock performance was 3.50% in last … Continue reading Hot Movers: VMware (NYSE:VMW), Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU), Himax Technologies (NASDAQ:HIMX), Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX)