BlackBerry’s Mega Deal (NASDAQ:BBRY) , New Product for Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Apple in Trouble in Europe (NASDAQ:AAPL)

BlackBerry Ltd said on Thursday it has signed a agreement with EnStream LP, a mobile payments joint venture owned by Canada’s three large wireless carriers, to provide a secure platform for transactions between banks and consumers. Waterloo, Ontario-based BlackBerry has been trying to reinvent itself under new Chief Executive Officer John Chen as its phones have lost ground to Apple Inc’s iPhone and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd’s Galaxy devices.

The company’s QNX software already is a mainstay in the automobile industry, powering electronic and other systems in a wide range of cars.

Amazon’s newly announced music streaming service is yet another attempt by the company to move beyond e-commerce and infuse itself into the daily lives of Americans with an increasing number of offerings, including grocery delivery and streaming TV. The announcement comes just days ahead of the expected unveiling of the company’s first smartphone.

Starting Thursday, Inc. will offer more than a million tracks for ad-free streaming and download to Kindle Fire tablets as well as to computers and the Amazon Music app for Apple and Android devices.

The European Commission will launch a formal investigation on Wednesday into Apple’s tax arrangements in Ireland, Irish state broadcaster RTE reported, without naming its source. The EU’s competition authority said last year that it was looking into corporate tax arrangements in several member states and had requested information from Ireland.

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(NASDAQ:EBAY) EBay’s PayPal CEO joins Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) To Lead Messaging Products (Video)

eBay said on Monday David Marcus, who has led eBay Inc’s fast-growing payments unit PayPal, will step down from the e-commerce company on June 27 to run Facebook messaging products. EBay shares fell about 2 percent in trading after hours. Marcus has led PayPal, which has 148 million active users, for the past two years during which the payments unit has moved more aggressively into stores and mobile devices.

Facebook has nabbed PayPal’s president in the clearest indication yet that the social media company will soon be venturing into online payments. the company announced in a press release on Monday David Marcus will lead Facebook’s messaging products. Marcus confirmed the move with a post to Facebook, which said “While I was in the middle of my thought process about what was next for me, Mark Zuckerberg and I got together.”

Following the acquisition of Whatsapp, Facebook is now looking for a strong strategy to actively monetize NASDAQ:FB leadership in the live messaging business. David Marcus should lead the way within the Facebook organization.

Facebook has appointed PayPal CEO David Marcus to head to its Messenger service. Not surprisingly, that’s got the tech industry abuzz over how the company will finally start making money from its Messenger app. One way is to start a money transfer service that puts Facebook head-to-head with Marcus’s last employer. Another is to create stickers. Cute digital icons are all the rage in Asia, and they could become bigger on Facebook‘s Messenger service if the right infrastructure is put in place by it and other services like Instagram

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6 Tips for Keeping Payment Processing Data Secure

There are so many businesses experiencing security breaches these days via hackers who steal business, customer and card data while putting thousands, sometimes millions of people and dollars at risk. This can truly be a nightmare for a business and its customers. But when a business knows the things that it can do to keep its customers safe, it doesn’t have to worry about security … Continue reading 6 Tips for Keeping Payment Processing Data Secure