Why Making Dramatic Moves : MGIC Investment Corp. (NYSE:MTG), Polycom, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLCM), Destination Maternity Corporation (NASDAQ:DEST), The Laclede Group, Inc. (NYSE:LG), ZAZA
MGIC Investment Corp. (NYSE:MTG) Director Michael E. Lehman purchased 5,000 shares of MGIC Investment Corp. stock on the open market in a transaction dated Thursday, October 23rd. The shares were purchased at an average cost of $8.26 per share, for a total transaction of $41,300.00. MGIC Investment Corp. (NYSE:MTG) belongs to Financial sector. Its net profit margin is 18.50% and weekly performance is 0.12%. On … Continue reading Why Making Dramatic Moves : MGIC Investment Corp. (NYSE:MTG), Polycom, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLCM), Destination Maternity Corporation (NASDAQ:DEST), The Laclede Group, Inc. (NYSE:LG), ZAZA