Morning Buzz: Toyota Motor (NYSE:TM), Straight Path Communications (NYSEMKT:STRP), Gordmans. (NASDAQ:GMAN), Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP), Huron Consulting Grop Inc. (NASDAQ:HURN)
Toyota Motor Corp (NYSE:TM)‘s stock had its “neutral” rating reaffirmed by Zacks in a research note issued on Tuesday. They currently have a $124.00 target price on the stock. Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE:TM) belongs to Consumer Goods sector. Its net profit margin is 7.10% and weekly performance is -1.60%. On last trading day company shares ended up $115.08. Toyota Motor Corporation (NYSE:TM) distance from 50-day simple moving … Continue reading Morning Buzz: Toyota Motor (NYSE:TM), Straight Path Communications (NYSEMKT:STRP), Gordmans. (NASDAQ:GMAN), Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP), Huron Consulting Grop Inc. (NASDAQ:HURN)