Services Sector Active Runners: Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL), The Gap Inc. (NYSE:GPS), MGM Resorts (NYSE:MGM), Rite Aid (NYSE:RAD)

Delta Air Lines , Inc. (NYSE:DAL) said that “during peak times at hubs and larger airports” it has agents near security to look for oversize carry-on bags and has improved technology to check bags faster at gates. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) stock performance was -0.03% in last session and finished the day at $35.36. Traded volume was 11.83million shares in the last session and … Continue reading Services Sector Active Runners: Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL), The Gap Inc. (NYSE:GPS), MGM Resorts (NYSE:MGM), Rite Aid (NYSE:RAD)

Most Active Stocks at NASDAQ: Zynga Inc (NASDAQ:ZNGA), Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO)

Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ:ZNGA) dominated social video games for PCs with “FarmVille” and “Zynga Poker.” New versions for smartphones and tablets, being introduced this week in some markets, may determine whether the company stays relevant. Zynga Inc (NASDAQ:ZNGA) stock performance was 1.27% in last session and finished the day at $5.58. Traded volume was 24,663,868 million shares in the last session and the average volume of … Continue reading Most Active Stocks at NASDAQ: Zynga Inc (NASDAQ:ZNGA), Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO)

Services Sector Bearish Stocks: The E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE:SSP), Inuvo (NYSEMKT:INUV), Checkpoint Systems (NYSE:CKP), Eros International (NYSE:EROS)

E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE:SSP) Director Paul K. Scripps unloaded 5,471 shares of E.W. Scripps stock in a transaction dated Friday, March 7th. The E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE:SSP) stock performance was -7.85% in last session and finished the day at $18.32. Traded volume was 872,797.00million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 293.70K shares. The beta of the stock remained … Continue reading Services Sector Bearish Stocks: The E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE:SSP), Inuvo (NYSEMKT:INUV), Checkpoint Systems (NYSE:CKP), Eros International (NYSE:EROS)

NASDAQ Bearish Stocks: CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR), Alaska Communications Systems (NASDAQ:ALSK), VimpelCom (NASDAQ:VIP), Ambarella Inc (NASDAQ:AMBA)

CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR) on Mar. 5 reported financial results for the 12 months ended December 31, 2013, and also provided an overview of recent accomplishments and upcoming milestones for its clinical development programs. CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR) stock performance was -6.17% in last session and finished the day at $5.32. Traded volume was 3,186,360 million shares in the last session and the average volume of the … Continue reading NASDAQ Bearish Stocks: CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR), Alaska Communications Systems (NASDAQ:ALSK), VimpelCom (NASDAQ:VIP), Ambarella Inc (NASDAQ:AMBA)

Services Sector Bullish Stocks: Caesars Acquisition (NASDAQ:CACQ), Information Services Group (NASDAQ:III), Cosi (NASDAQ:COSI), U.S. Auto Parts Network (NASDAQ:PRTS)

Caesars Entertainment Corp. (NASDAQ:CACQ) is selling four properties to a separate unit that it controls for about $1.8 billion as it restructures its debt. Caesars Acquisition Company (NASDAQ:CACQ) stock performance was 7.41% in last session and finished the day at $15.22. Traded volume was 683,506.00 million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 2.00million shares. Information Services Group Inc. … Continue reading Services Sector Bullish Stocks: Caesars Acquisition (NASDAQ:CACQ), Information Services Group (NASDAQ:III), Cosi (NASDAQ:COSI), U.S. Auto Parts Network (NASDAQ:PRTS)

NASDAQ Bullish Stocks: JA Solar Holdings (NASDAQ:JASO), Arotech Corporation (NASDAQ:ARTX), dELiA*s (NASDAQ:DLIA), Quantum Fuel Systems Tech (NASDAQ:QTWW)

JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (ADR) (NASDAQ:JASO) on Mar. 3 announced that it will supply 7.8MW of its high-efficiency full square mono solar modules to British Solar Renewables, a U.K.-based developer of large-scale renewable projects, for use on a 7.8MW solar farm in the south-western United Kingdom. JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (ADR) (NASDAQ:JASO) stock performance was 5.67% in last session and finished the day … Continue reading NASDAQ Bullish Stocks: JA Solar Holdings (NASDAQ:JASO), Arotech Corporation (NASDAQ:ARTX), dELiA*s (NASDAQ:DLIA), Quantum Fuel Systems Tech (NASDAQ:QTWW)