Active Stock: Sheryl Sandberg Sells Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Shares

Sheryl Sandberg from Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is leaning in on the stock, selling 283,000 shares at a price of $74.33 in the social networking company as algorithmic traders are watching longer term support levels. After Sandberg’s sale she holds nearly 5.1 million shares with a total market value near $382 million. Insider selling at Facebook (FB) has totaled more than $19 billion while insider … Continue reading Active Stock: Sheryl Sandberg Sells Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Shares

Stock Review: A Look At Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Addiction

864 million people get on Facebook each day to combat the momentary negative feeling of boredom with positive stimulus, according to recent studies. In the book “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products,” author and entrepreneur Nir Eyal, a Stanford Graduate Schoold of Business lecturer, notes that when people get momentarily board, taking a little break during the day to see how family and friends are … Continue reading Stock Review: A Look At Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Addiction

Stock Review: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Leads Online Videos Share

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is the platform most preferred by users wishing to share videos. Of all the videos shared across the world, as many as 83% are shared by merely 18% of internet users, and the platform most used by them is Facebook, followed by Twitter. Such power users are contributing to video shares and are also motivating others to share their videos. Also … Continue reading Stock Review: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Leads Online Videos Share

Stock News: A Look At Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Places

While many believe that both Yelp Inc and Tripadvisor Inc are terribly inaccurate and even fraudulent, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is hoping that its users are looking for something new. When you use Facebook Pages, you begin by selecting a city that interests you. From there you will be sent to reviews and likes from other Facebook users, essentially building a TripAdvisor into its existing … Continue reading Stock News: A Look At Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Places

Stock in News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Updates Privacy Policy For Users

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) is making another change to appease users. On Thursday, the social media announced plans to simplify the data policy. This comes right after the company announced plans to improve targeted advertisements in the United States. Just a few months ago, the search giant started to use information on what websites people visit to help target ads. If a person visited an … Continue reading Stock in News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Updates Privacy Policy For Users

Stock News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Introduces Unfollow Option

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ FB) has upgraded its News Feed by enabling users to hide particular posts from certain people by clicking on the grey arrow at the corner of the post. With the new tool, users can opt out from seeing each and every post of certain people and can limit the number to a few or even stop following the person completely. Facebook Inc … Continue reading Stock News: Facebook (NASDAQ FB) Introduces Unfollow Option