Healthcare Bullish Stocks: Agios Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:AGIO), Rockwell Medical (NASDAQ:RMTI), OHR Pharmaceutical (NASDAQ:OHRP), Emergent Biosolutions (NYSE:EBS)

Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:AGIO) SVP Glenn Goddard sold 17,468 shares of the stock on the open market in a transaction that occurred on Friday, March 7th. Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:AGIO) stock performance was 13.82 % in last session and finished the day at $ 45.45. Traded volume was 1,334,731 million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 283.01 million … Continue reading Healthcare Bullish Stocks: Agios Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:AGIO), Rockwell Medical (NASDAQ:RMTI), OHR Pharmaceutical (NASDAQ:OHRP), Emergent Biosolutions (NYSE:EBS)

Overbought NYSE Stocks: Six Flags Entertainment (NYSE:SIX), Greenbrier Companies (NYSE:GBX), Barnes & Noble (NYSE:BKS), BEAM Inc (NYSE:BEAM)

New Orleans’ latest call for someone to take on the redevelopment of the blighted former Six Flags Entertainment Corp (NYSE:SIX) theme park received just one response. Six Flags Entertainment Corp (NYSE:SIX) stock performance was 0.10% in last session and finished the day at $42.06. Traded volume was 644,131.00million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 702.77K shares. The beta … Continue reading Overbought NYSE Stocks: Six Flags Entertainment (NYSE:SIX), Greenbrier Companies (NYSE:GBX), Barnes & Noble (NYSE:BKS), BEAM Inc (NYSE:BEAM)

Auto Parts Wholesale: Magna International (NYSE:MGA), Genuine Parts Company (NYSE:GPC), Commercial Vehicle (NASDAQ:CVGI), The Coast Distribution (NYSEMKT:CRV)

Goldman Sachs has also updated their ratings on a number of other stocks in the last week. The firm upgraded shares of Magna International Inc. (USA) (NYSE:MGA) from a sell rating to a neutral rating. The firm now has a $101.00 price target on that stock, up previously from $78.00. Magna International Inc. (USA) (NYSE:MGA) stock performance was 0.61% in last session and finished the … Continue reading Auto Parts Wholesale: Magna International (NYSE:MGA), Genuine Parts Company (NYSE:GPC), Commercial Vehicle (NASDAQ:CVGI), The Coast Distribution (NYSEMKT:CRV)

Biotech Decliners: Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PPHM), CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR), PTC Therapeutics (NASDAQ:PTCT), Amicus Therapeutics (NASDAQ:FOLD)

Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PPHM) announced its earnings results on Friday. The company reported ($0.06) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, meeting the consensus estimate of ($0.06). Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PPHM) stock performance was -8.05% in last session and finished the day at $2.40. Traded volume was 14.14million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 4.31million shares. The beta of the … Continue reading Biotech Decliners: Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PPHM), CytRx Corporation (NASDAQ:CYTR), PTC Therapeutics (NASDAQ:PTCT), Amicus Therapeutics (NASDAQ:FOLD)

Unusual Volume Stocks at NYSE: Hawaiian Electric (NYSE:HE), Emergent Biosolutions (NYSE:EBS), Big Lots (NYSE:BIG), Palo Alto Networks (NYSE:PANW)

EVA Dimensions upgraded shares of Hawaiian Electric Industries (NYSE:HE) from an underweight rating to a hold rating in a research report released on Tuesday morning, reports. Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (NYSE:HE) stock performance was -1.13% in last session and finished the day at $24.49. Traded volume was 1,467,846 million shares in the last session and the average volume of the stock remained 452.48 million … Continue reading Unusual Volume Stocks at NYSE: Hawaiian Electric (NYSE:HE), Emergent Biosolutions (NYSE:EBS), Big Lots (NYSE:BIG), Palo Alto Networks (NYSE:PANW)

Hot Biotech Bullish Stocks: Genocea Biosciences (NASDAQ:GNCA), Esperion Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ESPR), Anacor Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ANAC), CEL-SCI (NYSEMKT:CVM)

Vaccine specialist Genocea Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ:GNCA) struck a research deal with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School to study cancer immunology. Under the March 5 alliance, researchers will use Genocea Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ:GNCA)’s proprietary T cell antigen discovery platform to find antigens that correlate with an anti-tumor immune response in melanoma patients. Genocea Biosciences Inc (NASDAQ:GNCA) stock performance was 23.28% in last session and … Continue reading Hot Biotech Bullish Stocks: Genocea Biosciences (NASDAQ:GNCA), Esperion Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ESPR), Anacor Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ANAC), CEL-SCI (NYSEMKT:CVM)