Using Smartphones, the Smart Way in Classrooms

Using Smartphones in the Classroom seems to be a certain win-win for both the students as well as the teacher. The smartphones make a strong case for a device which is technologically superior, accessible as well as adaptable to the role prescribed. Therefore it does sound right if smartphones are constructively used in the classrooms for a variety of academic reasons. The potential of smartphones, … Continue reading Using Smartphones, the Smart Way in Classrooms

Free Math Games with

For back to school or throughout the year, educational activities are an essential brick to offer children. This is my vision of things and for this, video games are a significant help. I recently came across which has dozens of math games, logic games, board games and more. Here are a few that caught my attention (oh, I forgot: it’s a lot of fun … Continue reading Free Math Games with

What do you think a business analyst do?

What a business analyst does? What is this like? Funny answers from the folk of internet. Business analysts are there to help businesses accomplish more by sassing out problems and finding solutions to those problems. Oftentimes, the issues are computer based and the business analyst will work with the IT department in real estate or other industries. Since a business analyst’s role involves providing advice, … Continue reading What do you think a business analyst do?