Voice Cloning: How to do it in a few Seconds with these 4 Incredible Tools

It’s quite easy to clone a voice in under five seconds. You can generate natural sounding voices online with our selection of four easy-to-use tools. Test voice cloning yourself now! Cloning a voice, the incredible technological advances Fake videos Computer technology allows many feats nowadays and cloning a voice (but also a picture or a sound) has become child’s play. The proof is in the … Continue reading Voice Cloning: How to do it in a few Seconds with these 4 Incredible Tools

Laptop Video Editing 2

Digital Video Editing : our Guide to Buying a Great Laptop

Digital video editing requires a lot of power and a great screen. Though, there is no need to buy the most expensive computer. The latest laptops have all the necessary performance and display to become perfect fits for digital video editing. When travelling or on the go, video editors can now work smoothly. TechNews.org experts have selected the best 3 laptops for video editing. Our … Continue reading Digital Video Editing : our Guide to Buying a Great Laptop

When technology dusts off real estate

I love to talk about real estate to my friends and family. But each time, in the middle of the conversation, the same words come up: “risky”, “complex”, “uncertain”, “time consuming”…  What if all this were about to change thanks to technology? Here are three areas where digital is dusting off real estate. Online Tools and Mortgage Simulators Online simulators are a down-to-earth living example … Continue reading When technology dusts off real estate

Portable Video Conferencing

Portable Video Conferencing: An Indepth Look

The Internet is moving faster than ever – and it has become a huge part of our daily lives. Ten years ago, it was mostly used on laptops and personal computers, but today studies show that the number of people acquiring mobile devices (such as smartphones, for example) is getting higher with each day. Under these circumstances, portable video conferencing has become a great need … Continue reading Portable Video Conferencing: An Indepth Look

6 Tips for Keeping Payment Processing Data Secure

There are so many businesses experiencing security breaches these days via hackers who steal business, customer and card data while putting thousands, sometimes millions of people and dollars at risk. This can truly be a nightmare for a business and its customers. But when a business knows the things that it can do to keep its customers safe, it doesn’t have to worry about security … Continue reading 6 Tips for Keeping Payment Processing Data Secure